Muscle strain physiotherapy

Strain is related to muscular overload, where the muscle fibers that make up the muscle must stretch beyond their normal elasticity. This usually happens when the strain is too great and in sports where rapid changes of direction are required, such as sprinting, soccer or tennis. Those affected usually notice the strain by a shooting … Muscle strain physiotherapy

Torn muscle fibre physiotherapy

In order to understand a torn muscle fiber, one should first look at the fine structure of a muscle. The task of the muscles is to enable movements of our body through contraction. There are 3 types of muscle groups: In most cases, the striated muscles are affected by a torn muscle fiber. This forms … Torn muscle fibre physiotherapy

Summary | Torn muscle fibre physiotherapy

Summary In summary, muscle strain, torn muscle fibers and torn muscle bundles are injuries that occur very often, especially in competitive and hobby sports.Normally, however, the injuries are uncomplicated and heal without any problems if the affected person follows the rules and allows his body enough time for rehabilitation. In any case, a doctor should … Summary | Torn muscle fibre physiotherapy

Kinesiotape in physiotherapy

The method of kinesiotaping was developed by a Japanese chiropractor and, unlike the classic tape, is not a stabilizing or fixing tape, but maintains full mobility. Kinesiotape is an elastic, self-adhesive tape, which is produced in various colors. Its texture is largely resistant even when exposed to water and can therefore be worn while swimming … Kinesiotape in physiotherapy