Algae: Intolerance & Allergy

Seaweeds are a member of the phycophyta, or sea plants. Along with their more distinctive form, seaweed, seaweeds originally originated as food in the cuisines of East Asia. They generally have a salty and spicy taste. On the other hand, some of the many thousands of species are virtually tasteless. Seaweeds provide numerous minerals, high-quality … Algae: Intolerance & Allergy

Cherries: Healthy and Round

Summertime is cherry time! That means eating cherries in the fresh air in the sunshine. While in April and May the blossoming cherry trees still enchant with their sight, there are the ripe, juicy vitamin bombs everywhere to buy in the cherry harvest season between June and August. Delicious cherry recipes are very popular. Whether … Cherries: Healthy and Round


Even though watermelons can weigh up to 15 kilograms and sugar melons up to four kilograms, eating them does not translate into excess pounds on your belly or hips. This is because melons have a water content of about 90 percent and provide hardly any calories. 100 grams of melon have a calorific value of … Melons

What you Need to Know About Asparagus

From the end of April until the traditional finale on June 24, St. John’s Day, the popular but unfortunately far too short asparagus season lasts. While the healthy asparagus spears were once grown only in monasteries and apothecary gardens as a true panacea and later served as a royal vegetable to the rich and powerful, … What you Need to Know About Asparagus

Entry into strength training | Strength training and weight loss

Entry into strength training If you start with a strength training you should not overdo it directly, but start with small weights and thus get to know your strength development. Only when you have determined your training level should you start to draw up a training plan. With the training frequency you should also approach … Entry into strength training | Strength training and weight loss

Number of sets and repetitions | Strength training and weight loss

Number of sets and repetitions Comparing endurance sports with strength training in terms of weight reduction, the following conclusions can be drawn. Strength training tends to build muscle, whereas endurance training can lead to muscle loss, as some muscles are not or hardly ever used. The movement patterns are too one-sided in endurance sports to … Number of sets and repetitions | Strength training and weight loss