Red spots after bathing | Red spots on the body

Red spots after bathing

Red spots after bathing or showering may be caused by an allergic reaction to the shampoo or shower gel used. If you suspect that the red spots after bathing are related to this, you should replace the body care products used with others, preferably with skin-neutral pH. More rare are red spots after bathing which are caused by a reaction of the skin to the change in temperature: A physical allergy that manifests itself with slightly itchy red spots that disappear after some time. Such a pseudoallergy is usually harmless.

Red stains after showering

Red stains, which spread over the entire body and occur especially after showering, are relatively common. The triggering causes are usually harmless. In most cases, the warm shower water causes the vessels in the skin area to dilate, allowing more blood to flow into the skin.

This increased blood inflow leads to reddening of the skin in different areas. Usually only certain areas of the body are affected (usually those areas that are directly irradiated with hot water). In some cases, however, the skin of the entire body may be reddened.

Sometimes, allergic causes can also be behind the redness after showering. In most cases, the skin of the body reacts to a certain shampoo or lotion. In addition to the resulting redness, however, the skin then usually starts to itch moderately to strongly. The redness often gets better after avoiding warm water. If there is no improvement, cooling can be used, e.g. with a cool cloth.

Red spots on the body due to stress

Stress is a causative factor of red skin. The release of stress hormones such as adrenaline or cortisone causes the blood vessels in the body to dilate. This is to have the sense that as much blood as possible can flow through the vessels to its destination.

As the body needs more energy and therefore more blood in stressful situations, it makes use of this widening of the blood vessels. The widening of the blood vessels ensures that more blood can flow into the skin, which then leads to reddening of the skin. Areas that are mostly affected by stress-related redness are mainly the face and neck.

The skin changes suddenly or gradually. Mostly it has a blotchy character at the corresponding spot. Once the stress is over, less and less stress hormones flood in, which causes the capillaries of the skin to contract again.

Now less blood flows into the skin again and the redness of the skin is reduced. This skin reaction does not occur in all people who are under stress. The reasons why some people show this reaction and others do not is not known.It is assumed that the reason for this is that the skin capillaries of one person are located closer to the surface of the skin and of the other more in the depth. Another difference is that a stress reaction leads to a stronger ejection of stress hormones in one person and not in the other. People who suffer from reddening of the skin under stress feel stressed due to this fact, which increases the stress level and thus increases the reddening of the skin.