Voriconazole: Effects, Uses & Risks

Voriconazole is an active substance that medical professionals can use to treat fungal infections. It thus belongs to the group of antifungal drugs. The effect of the drug is based on a substance that damages the cell wall of the fungus. Possible areas of application include infections with Aspergillus, Fusarium, Scedosporium and Candida, although physicians … Voriconazole: Effects, Uses & Risks

Triazoles: Effects, Uses & Risks

Triazoles are special chemical compounds characterized by a ring-shaped structure. All triazoles always have the chemical molecular formula C2H3N3. This formula indicates that triazoles are composed of five atoms. Each individual molecule consists of two carbon atoms and three nitrogen atoms. What are triazoles? Triazoles are usually aromatic compounds that are heterocyclic and consist of … Triazoles: Effects, Uses & Risks

Disease causing fungi

Introduction Fungi can pose a serious threat to humans as pathogens, similar to bacteria, for example. There are cases in which they attack certain areas of the human organism but do not lead to disease, one speaks of commensals. In other cases, however, they lead to severe infections. One distinguishes different groups of fungi. Dermatophytes … Disease causing fungi

Mouth Thrush

Definition The typical symptoms of a mouth soor include primarily the characteristic appearance of the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat area. On the strongly reddened, inflammatory mucous membrane, a whitish coating can be found, which can easily be wiped or scratched off – for example with a small wooden spatula. At the beginning … Mouth Thrush

Therapy | Mouth Thrush

Therapy The most common treatment of mouth sores is the intake of a so-called antimycotic prescribed by a doctor. This is a drug that either kills the fungi present or at least inhibits their growth or reproduction (this includes e.g. Nystatin, Amphotericin B, Fluconazole). Since the oral thrush is a spatially limited infestation with Candida … Therapy | Mouth Thrush


General information Lamisil® is the trade name for Terbinafine, a drug used in the treatment of fungal infections (mycoses). Terbinafine intervenes in the formation of the fungal membrane by inhibiting the production of an essential substance of the fungal membrane, ergosterol. Accordingly, Terbinafine has a fungicidal effect. Lamisil® can be used locally (topically) in the … Lamisil®

Lamisil Tablets | Lamisil®

Lamisil Tablets Lamisil Tablets® also contain the fungicidal active ingredient terbinafine, which is used in salt form as terbinafine chloride. The tablets contain 125mg or 250mg Terbinafine as Terbinafine chloride and the appropriate dose and dosage form is determined by the doctor. Areas of application for the tablets are fungal infections of the fingernails and … Lamisil Tablets | Lamisil®