Disease causing fungi


Fungi can pose a serious threat to humans as pathogens, similar to bacteria, for example. There are cases in which they attack certain areas of the human organism but do not lead to disease, one speaks of commensals. In other cases, however, they lead to severe infections.

One distinguishes different groups of fungi. Dermatophytes are a group of fungi that mainly affect skin areas of the foot. The classic athlete’s foot, which can be found in humid environments (e.g. in swimming pools), is caused by dermatophytes.

Dermatophytes include Trichophyton, Microsporum and Keratomyces. Then there is the large group of yeast fungi. The yeast fungi can cause an inflammation of the mouth cavity and the esophagus (thrush) and can also be responsible for severe meningitis.

Other infections caused by yeast fungi are generally called candidoses. Yeasts include Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida krusei and Cryptococcus neoformans, which is responsible for causing the said meningitis. Finally, the large group of molds still remains to mention.

These types of fungi can also cause serious infectious diseases in humans, including severe fungal pneumonia. One of the most important representatives of the molds is the Aspergillus fumigatus. and yeast infection


The diagnosis of a fungal infection depends on which area of the body is affected. The mouth thrush, for example, which often occurs in immunocompromised people, is a visual diagnosis due to its typical whitish coloration in the mouth and throat area and usually does not need to be clarified further. Pneumonia, which is caused by fungi, often has a blotchy character in the X-ray image.

This is not a proof but an indication that it could be a fungal disease. In this case the proof is a laboratory chemical examination of the sputum (coughed up secretion). If one would like to have a proof with a mouth/esophagus ears ears, one must make a smear of the throat with a cotton swab and send this to the laboratory.

The sample is placed on a culture medium and incubated for several days. If the typical structures of a fungus grow on the culture medium within a few days, this is the proof of the respective fungus. There is also often a fungal infestation of the gastrointestinal tract.

In this case, the detection is done by a stool sample, which is also sent to a laboratory and incubated on a culture medium according to the smear. The result is also determined after a few days. It should be noted, however, that no rapid detection is possible within a few hours and that at least 3-4 hours must be waited until a detection is obtained.

In case of doubt, i.e. if the patient is in a bad condition, the treatment should be started before. Fungi can cause a wide range of symptoms. Again, the decisive factor is which area of the body is affected.

In case of esophagitis caused by a thrush (thrush esophagitis), swallowing difficulties, itching and burning of the mouth and throat area, taste disorders, loss of appetite and the typical whitish coating of the mouth and throat area occur. Dermatophyte infestation of the feet leads to reddish open and burning skin in the spaces between the toes. (see How to recognize athlete’s foot) In the case of pneumonia caused by a fungus, a strong and productive cough (with sputum) usually occurs, which does not respond to any antibiotics.

Since a viral infection can also always be behind it, the suspicion of a fungal pneumonia usually arises relatively late. Fungal infections of the gastrointestinal tract often cause no symptoms at all. Some patients report diarrhea and lots of air in the abdomen.

However, this is not conclusive. There are studies that prove that many people also have a fungal infection in the intestine, which does not cause any complaints, is harmless and does not need to be treated. The probably most difficult course is a fungal infection of the blood.

One speaks also of a fungal sepsis. In this case, fungi of any kind have entered the bloodstream and caused blood poisoning. The symptoms are very high fever, deterioration of the general condition and weakness. In the worst case, multiorgan failure and death of the patient may occur.