Uterine Cancer

Definition Uterine cancer (medical term: endometrial carcinoma) is a malignant tumor of the uterus. As a rule, the cancer develops from the cells of the uterine mucosa. It is one of the most common cancers in women, typically affecting women between 60 and 70 years of age. The prognosis of the disease depends on the … Uterine Cancer

Is uterine cancer hereditary? | Uterine Cancer

Is uterine cancer hereditary? Certain genes have been linked to the development of uterine cancer through intensive research. In the presence of the so-called HNPCC syndrome (Hereditary-Non-Polyposis-Colon–Cancer-Syndrome), there is, in addition to the increased probability of the occurrence of other forms of cancer, also an increased probability of developing uterine cancer during the course of … Is uterine cancer hereditary? | Uterine Cancer

Surgical removal of the uterus

Synonyms in a broader sense hysterectomy, uterine extirpation, myoma removal, total uterine extirpation, subtotal hysterectomy, supracervical hysterectomy General information Surgery in the uterus region can take on different dimensions depending on the existing indication. In the case of a proliferation that occurs in the muscle layer of the uterus (myoma), uterus-sparing surgery can usually be … Surgical removal of the uterus

Complications | Surgical removal of the uterus

Complications In the course of uterine surgery, as with all operations, various complications can occur. In the case of hysterectomy, wound healing disorders and the development of inflammatory processes are to be expected. Due to the tight anatomical position of the pelvic organs, the intestine, ureter and/or bladder can be injured during uterine surgery. In … Complications | Surgical removal of the uterus

Symptoms of postoperative inflammation | Inflammation after wisdom tooth surgery

Symptoms of postoperative inflammation Inflammation after the operation is noticeable by the fact that the area causes pain. Fever can also occur. In case of the above mentioned symptoms or general insecurity, one should not hesitate to consult the treating physician, because only then the physician can act immediately and prevent the spread of an … Symptoms of postoperative inflammation | Inflammation after wisdom tooth surgery

Drugs | Inflammation after wisdom tooth surgery

Drugs Painkillers can be prescribed by the treating physician to support recovery and to relieve pain (wound pain). These are usually paracetamol or ibuprofen. Medications containing acetylsalicylic acid (e.g. aspirin) are less suitable, as they inhibit blood clotting. If the procedure was particularly complicated or if there was an infection before, the doctor will prescribe … Drugs | Inflammation after wisdom tooth surgery

Cervical Smear: Treatment, Effect & Risks

The statutory health insurance companies offer women various preventive examinations as part of the annual gynecological cancer screening. Among these examinations is the cervical smear test. What is the cervical smear test? A cervical smear is a smear of cells from the area of the cervix. Cells are collected from the cervix using a cotton … Cervical Smear: Treatment, Effect & Risks