Symptoms of postoperative inflammation | Inflammation after wisdom tooth surgery

Symptoms of postoperative inflammation

Inflammation after the operation is noticeable by the fact that the area causes pain. Fever can also occur. In case of the above mentioned symptoms or general insecurity, one should not hesitate to consult the treating physician, because only then the physician can act immediately and prevent the spread of an inflammation.This will look at the inflammation and take the necessary steps. This is usually an antibiotic therapy to kill the bacteria and eliminate the focus of the inflammation.

Inflammation with pus formation

A pus formation indicates a beginning abscess. An abscess is an encapsulated cavity filled with pus. It develops when the wound becomes inflamed and no further measures are taken to ensure proper healing.

This happens, for example, if the wound has come into contact with bacteria or a piece of tooth has remained in the tooth socket. Heat or heat can greatly accelerate this process, as bacteria can then multiply more easily. Since an abscess can be very dangerous and can threaten internal organs, the treating dentist should be consulted immediately in case of pus formation. One should not waste valuable time! The doctor can open the abscess and thus ensure that the wound heals properly.

How long does the inflammation last after the surgery?

It is not possible to give exact information about the duration of the inflammation of a wisdom tooth. Sometimes the inflammation starts shortly, within 2-3 days after the tooth removal, sometimes later. It depends on the cause of the inflammation, the physical condition and the immune system of the patient, as well as the oral hygiene that the patient shows after the surgery. However, if the inflammation is quickly detected and the cause removed, the wound can heal quite quickly. This process also depends on the individual situation of the patient and sometimes takes a little longer or shorter than usual.

How can you detect inflammation yourself after surgery?

The first signs of an inflamed surgical wound after wisdom tooth removal are severe pain. Although pain is quite normal in the first 2-5 days after a wisdom tooth removal, if it is excessive despite the use of painkillers, a visit to the doctor can not hurt. In addition, there is usually a burning sensation, especially when food or a liquid touches the wound, as well as a slight reddening of the area.

If one waits, it can happen that a swelling of the cheek develops, which is visible from the outside also by its reddening. Patients often complain about a “thick cheek“. At the latest, if there is a loss of function due to the swelling or the pain and one can no longer bite or breathe properly, a doctor should be consulted immediately.