Inflammation after wisdom tooth surgery


The wisdom teeth, also 8- or third molars, are frequent problem candidates of every human being and cause unpleasant pain to almost everyone at some point in their lives. The removal of these teeth, with over 1 million operations performed in Germany every year, is one of the routine procedures in dentistry, which are usually performed by an experienced surgeon without further complications. However, even after the operation an inflammation can develop and have unpleasant consequences.

The reasons for such an operation can be different. If the 8er causes an inflammation, there is a risk of a cyst, it damages the adjacent second molars (7er), it causes a row of teeth or prevents a prosthetic restoration, the indication for an extraction is given. Of course, this is also the case if it is severely destroyed by caries, if it cannot be treated due to its location or if it represents a weak point in the jaw.

The extraction usually begins with local anesthesia of the area. A general anesthesia is actually not necessary and is usually not covered by health insurance, but can be used if the patient wishes so. Then the gum around the tooth to be removed is cut open to reveal the jawbone and parts of the tooth. Sometimes some bone substance has to be removed and it is possible that the tooth will be split because of its unusual shape. After the extraction of the tooth, the wound is sutured with a thread, which is usually removed after 10 days.


Since this is a surgical procedure, it is also associated with possible risks. The general risks include bleeding during the operation or even up to three days afterwards. The wound may not heal properly or become infected.

Pain, swelling after the surgery and bruising may also occur. During the operation, the adjacent neighboring tooth may be damaged or the maxillary sinus in the upper jaw may be opened. In the lower jaw, there is a risk that the lower lip will become numb because the supplying nerve may be injured.

The numbness usually disappears after a certain time. In order to keep the chances of inflammation after the operation as low as possible, it is important to pay attention to a few things. Sporting activities should be avoided for up to 14 days after the procedure, as the body is still weakened or the wound has not completely healed by then, and physical activity increases blood pressure.

Tobacco consumption or the consumption of coffee (also energy drinks) or alcohol should be avoided in the first days. Drinks containing caffeine increase the risk of secondary bleeding. Nicotine can lead to inflammation of the wound, which then cannot heal properly.

Smoking should not be resumed until the healing process is complete. Direct heat, such as direct sunlight, should be avoided. The wound should be cooled, as it relieves the pain and keeps the swelling in check.

A swollen and thick cheek is normal, often it is also slightly bluish discolored. The tissue is very stressed and irritated, but with the days after the surgery this will subside more and more. Dental care can be continued as usual, primarily with a soft toothbrush.

However, the wound should be avoided in the first few days. After about 2-3 days, the mouth can also be rinsed with a 0.1% chlorhexidine-containing mouthwash, as this reduces the germ count. However, this should be avoided immediately after the procedure.

The mouthrinsing process is best done gently and not too violently, as the wound could otherwise open up. It is best to take some of the liquid into the mouth and tilt the head slightly and contemplatively in all directions. Dairy products should not be consumed, as they contain lactic acid bacteria that attack the blood clot and thus endanger the healing of the wound, which can lead to renewed inflammation. Water and light foods, such as soups or porridge, are most suitable as food for the first few days, as opposed to very solid and crumbly food. Since the mouth opening is still restricted by the swelling, mushy foods are also easier to eat.