Menopausal Nutrition

From the age of 40, an average of 0.3 to 0.5 percent of bone mass is lost per year. In the period before and after menopause, the rate of loss increases by an average of 2 to 5 percent per year. Regular exercise and an optimal supply of calcium and vitamin D are essential for … Menopausal Nutrition

The Inner Pig

Resolutions for a healthier life are always profitable and initially they can be implemented well. But then come the “inner pig dog” and the power of habit. After just a few days, the desire to improve no longer seems so great and soon you are back in the old rut. But there is another way. … The Inner Pig

Dealing with Setbacks

But what to do when the experiences to turn back are missing? Can you then trick the limbic system? Yes, experts say, and they swear by autogenic training: first, you are put into deep relaxation; your mind lets go and your subconscious is particularly receptive. Under therapeutic guidance, you then try to visualize the result … Dealing with Setbacks

What accompanying symptoms indicate ovulation? | Can you feel the ovulation?

What accompanying symptoms indicate ovulation? The accompanying symptoms can be explained by the influence of female sex hormones. They cause both the maturation of the egg and physical changes during the female cycle. A typical symptom is the increase in breast size before ovulation, which can often manifest itself as a pulling in the breast. … What accompanying symptoms indicate ovulation? | Can you feel the ovulation?

The Psychopathological Findings: Inventory of Consciousness and Psyche

Metabolic and circulatory disorders, drug abuse, and neurological-psychiatric diseases – many diseases are accompanied by a psychological change. To be able to treat this change in nature, the physician must gain a detailed insight into his patient’s psyche. What are the psychopathological findings? The psychopathological findings are the core of the psychiatric examination – in … The Psychopathological Findings: Inventory of Consciousness and Psyche

That is the goal of health coaching? | Health Coaching – A support for you!

That is the goal of health coaching? The goal of health coaching is, after a thorough analysis of the working and living conditions of a client, to train the client in dealing with stressors and to provide him with supporting factors so that the client feels more health and satisfaction in his life. In order … That is the goal of health coaching? | Health Coaching – A support for you!

Fit for the Summer

Here’s how you could get started: Put in a little jog in the park before the workday starts, reach for veggie casserole instead of chicken and fries at the cafeteria, and do a few yoga exercises on the living room rug before you step out for dinner. It sounds convincing, but how do you move … Fit for the Summer