What accompanying symptoms indicate ovulation? | Can you feel the ovulation?

What accompanying symptoms indicate ovulation?

The accompanying symptoms can be explained by the influence of female sex hormones. They cause both the maturation of the egg and physical changes during the female cycle. A typical symptom is the increase in breast size before ovulation, which can often manifest itself as a pulling in the breast.

In addition, some women feel a feeling of inner warmth or even heat, which can also be explained by the hormonal changes. The hormones also lead to an increase in temperature, which can be explained by increased blood circulation. Middle pain is nothing other than all painful sensations around the time of ovulation.

It takes place exactly in the middle of the female cycle, so that the time component gives it its name. Usually a woman’s cycle lasts 28 days, so middle pain can occur approximately every 2 weeks. However, the term “Mittelschmerzen” can be slightly misleading, as it is not typically strong pain during ovulation.

Rather, a slight pulling in the lower abdomen is characteristic. You can find more detailed information on this topic at MittelschmerzBrustschmerz around ovulation can be explained by the effect of sex hormones. They ensure that the egg cell matures and the breast increases in size.

But they not only cause pure growth, but also increased water retention in the tissue. In many women, this interaction leads to a tension pain in the breast tissue, as the skin and thus also the nerves in and around the breast are irritated by the increasing pressure. As the hormone level drops, the discomfort also decreases.

Are you more interested in this topic?For more detailed information, please visit: Chest pain during ovulationThe consistency of the cervical mucus changes from viscous to rather fluid with regard to ovulation. From a biological point of view, this is very useful because it allows the male sperm to migrate better through the uterus. The aim of the ovulated egg is to be fertilized by a sperm in order to enable reproduction.

If the female body makes it easier for the sperm to reach the egg, this increases the chance of fertilization and thus of a beginning pregnancy. Temperature fluctuations can be observed around ovulation. The body temperature rises shortly before ovulation and remains minimally elevated until menstruation.

Objectively speaking, this is an increase of 1-2 degrees Celsius, but subjectively this can lead to a feeling of warmth or even heat. However, a reliable statement about ovulation cannot be made on the basis of temperature alone, as body temperature is subject to many other influencing factors such as clothing or the outside temperature.