Prognosis | Earwax

Prognosis After the professional removal of the earwax, a complete restoration of the original hearing ability can usually be expected. Occasionally there are minor, painful injuries to the mucous membrane, but these usually do not require further treatment. Often, the blockage of the auditory canal by earwax is a regularly recurring problem. Unfavorable condition of … Prognosis | Earwax

Interaction with other drugs | Dexa-Gentamicin eye ointment

Interaction with other drugs In principle, you should inform your doctor about any other medication you are taking. It is always possible that taking certain medicines at the same time is not tolerated. Dexa-Gentamicin eye ointment may cause cloud-like precipitation on the conjunctiva when used simultaneously with amphotericin B, sulfadiazine, heparin, cloxacillin and cephalotin. As … Interaction with other drugs | Dexa-Gentamicin eye ointment

Encourage and Challenge: How Children Become Confident and Strong

Probably every parent wants strong children who believe in themselves, express their needs without fear and go through life with open eyes. “For a child to become a self-confident personality, it needs a lot of warmth and security, attention and care, but also encouragement and incentive,” knows Karin Schreiner-Kürten, a qualified psychologist at the AOK … Encourage and Challenge: How Children Become Confident and Strong

Where do I apply for parental allowance? | Parental allowance application

Where do I apply for parental allowance? The application for parental allowance is made at the parental allowance offices. Depending on your place of residence and federal state, a different parental allowance office is responsible for you. The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth has listed the parental allowance offices. In … Where do I apply for parental allowance? | Parental allowance application

How long does it take to process a parental allowance application? | Parental allowance application

How long does it take to process a parental allowance application? The certificate of earnings is a written document from the employer. It shows what the employee has earned within the last calendar year, what income was subject to social security contributions and what the working hours were. A certificate of earnings must contain the … How long does it take to process a parental allowance application? | Parental allowance application

Skin rash on the back

Definition A single or planar skin irritation is called exanthema. Depending on the location, it is called abdominal, trunk or even back exanthema. Skin problems in the area of the back are relatively common. The duration of the complaints can range from a few hours to even days or weeks. The skin is the largest … Skin rash on the back

X-ray examination of the child

Introduction X-ray examination in the child is understood to be the taking of an X-ray image using X-rays for the diagnosis of specific diseases. X-rays are particularly suitable for assessing bony structures. Soft tissues such as the organs become more visible through an ultrasound examination or an MRI. In children, however, there are a few … X-ray examination of the child