What is the KAI Rule?

Brushing teeth must first be learned and regularly practiced. Parents play a major role in this: as role models and as a control authority, parents can create the conditions for healthy teeth for their children. It is important to always follow the same system and sequence when caring for teeth – the easiest for children … What is the KAI Rule?

Toothpaste without aluminium – Why? | Toothpaste without fluoride

Toothpaste without aluminium – Why? One is confronted very often with the light metal aluminum in everyday life. Aluminum is found in many deodorants, toothpastes or foods that are packaged in aluminum. Scientists have proven that Alzheimer’s patients had an increased concentration of aluminum in the brain. Furthermore, aluminium has been linked to the development … Toothpaste without aluminium – Why? | Toothpaste without fluoride

Should a child take a toothpaste with or without fluoride? | Toothpaste without fluoride

Should a child take a toothpaste with or without fluoride? Fluorides have been shown to reduce the development of caries in children and adolescents.Although tooth decay is not a disease based on a lack of fluoride, fluoride can strengthen the enamel and protect it from acid attacks. A child should therefore use a toothpaste containing … Should a child take a toothpaste with or without fluoride? | Toothpaste without fluoride