Histology | Bile duct

Histology The first bile duct in the liver is formed only by the walls of the opposite liver cells. After these bile ducts have opened into the Hehring tubules, the bile duct is lined by an epithelium. Other cells are found here: oval cells. The oval cells are stem cells. This means that new cells … Histology | Bile duct

Cholestasis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cholestasis, bile stasis, biliary congestion, or cholestasis syndrome is a pathological disorder of the bile’s drainage pathways. It results in a buildup of bodily toxins produced by the liver that must be eliminated through the intestines. A typical sign of cholastasis is jaundice. Furthermore, there is brown coloration of urine and stool discoloration. Abdominal pain … Cholestasis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Yellow Stools: Causes, Treatment & Help

In most cases, yellow stool is harmless, but it also occurs as an accompanying symptom of various diseases. What is yellow stool? Yellowing of the stool is usually harmless, but there are transitional forms in which a doctor should be consulted to clarify whether there is no underlying serious disease. Stool consists mainly of water, … Yellow Stools: Causes, Treatment & Help

Dubin-Johnson Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Dubin-Johnson syndrome is an inherited disorder that primarily affects the liver. Symptoms include jaundice, an increased concentration of bilirubin in the blood, and abnormalities of the liver. Causative treatment is not possible, but in most cases it is not necessary. What is Dubin-Johnson syndrome? Dubin-Johnson syndrome belongs to the metabolic diseases, where it is classified … Dubin-Johnson Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Symptoms of a lipometabolic disorder | Fat metabolism disorder

Symptoms of a lipometabolic disorder Elevated blood lipid levels remain undetected for a long time because they do not initially cause any symptoms. They are often detected by chance in routine examinations or, in most cases, only become noticeable through late effects. These include narrowing of the heart vessels, which can lead to angina pectoris … Symptoms of a lipometabolic disorder | Fat metabolism disorder

What are the consequences of a lipometabolic disorder? | Fat metabolism disorder

What are the consequences of a lipometabolic disorder? The consequences of a lipometabolic disorder are the accumulation of fats in the vessel wall and the slow closure of the vessel wall.This is called atherosclerotic change or atherosclerosis. The vessels lose their elasticity and may even tear. If the arterial vessels become blocked, the tissue behind … What are the consequences of a lipometabolic disorder? | Fat metabolism disorder

Fat metabolism disorder

Introduction Fat metabolism disorders are diseases that lead to changes in cholesterol and triglyceride levels due to disorders in the transport, metabolism and production of fat. They are medically called dyslipidaemias. If there is a general increase in blood lipids cholesterol and triglycerides, one speaks of hyperlipidaemias. The values of the so-called blood lipids are … Fat metabolism disorder

Liver Enzymes: Function & Diseases

Liver enzymes are enzymes typically found in liver cells (hepatocytes). In clinical parlance, they are often called liver enzymes. An increase in certain enzymes is an indication of liver damage, whereas other enzymes occur at lower levels in liver disease. What are liver enzymes? In liver disease, liver enzymes often provide important clues as to … Liver Enzymes: Function & Diseases