Duration | Burning in the urethra


The duration and prognosis depend on the cause. With adequate and timely treatment with the appropriate antibiotic, the prognosis is good. With early therapy and if the medication is taken conscientiously, consequential damage rarely occurs.

In order to prevent the bacteria from developing resistance to the antibiotic agent, it is extremely important that the antibiotic is taken over the full dose prescribed by the doctor, even if the symptoms recede earlier. This means that premature discontinuation of antibiotic therapy could encourage the bacteria to return. If all this is taken into account, uncomplicated urethritis will have subsided after about a week.

Occasionally, however, complications can arise. In men, chlamydia can cause inflammation of the prostate or epididymis. A fever is often a sign of this inflammation.

In women, inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries can be provoked. Usually these inflammations are accompanied by fever, chills and lower abdominal pain. There is also the risk that the fallopian tubes become clogged as a result of the inflammatory processes.

This can result in infertility. If an inflammation of the urethra occurs during pregnancy due to Chlamydia, this can have consequences for the unborn child. The bacteria can cause conjunctivitis in the embryo and, in rare cases, blindness. – Inflammation of the prostate gland

  • Ovarian inflammation