Stiff Joints (Joint Stiffness): Causes, Treatment & Help

By the term stiff joints or joint stiffness, physicians understand a stiffening of joints, which results in a restriction of movement. This can have various causes and accordingly also appear differently pronounced. Under certain circumstances, diseases can lead to irreparable stiffening of the affected joints, which makes surgery necessary. What are stiff joints? Stiff joints, … Stiff Joints (Joint Stiffness): Causes, Treatment & Help

Occipital Artery: Structure, Function & Diseases

The occipital artery is a blood vessel involved in supplying blood to the muscles of the neck and back. In addition, the artery supplies the occipital region (regio occipitalis). Pulse-synchronous tinnitus may be associated with disorders of the occipital artery, for example, arteriovenous fistulas or circulatory disturbances due to arteriosclerosis. What is the occipital artery? … Occipital Artery: Structure, Function & Diseases

Balneology: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Balneology is the science of baths. Balneological procedures take place mainly in the context of spa treatments. Respiratory diseases and skin diseases can be alleviated by balneological treatments, as well as metabolic diseases and various symptoms of nervous system diseases. What is balneology? Balneology is the science of baths. Balneological procedures take place primarily as … Balneology: Treatment, Effect & Risks