Function | Nerve cell

Function Nerve cells are able to process input signals and transmit new signals based on them. A distinction is made between excitatory and inhibitory nerve cells. Exciting nerve cells increase the probability of an action potential, while inhibiting ones reduce it. Whether a nerve cell excites or not depends basically on the neurotransmitter that this … Function | Nerve cell

Which different nerve cells are there? | Nerve cell

Which different nerve cells are there? Nerve cells can be classified according to various criteria. Afferent cells send signals to the central nervous system (sensory), while efferent cells send signals to the periphery (motor). Particularly within the brain, a distinction can also be made between excitatory and inhibitory neurons, whereby inhibitory neurons usually have a … Which different nerve cells are there? | Nerve cell

Tasks of the parasympathetic nervous system

Synonyms in a broader sense Parasympathetic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, nervous system, brain, nerve water, spinal cord, nerveThe parasympathetic nervous system is responsible, in addition to the sympathetic nervous system, for part of the autonomic nervous system and for physical activity under resting conditions. Consequently, the sympathetic nervous system is characterized as the active … Tasks of the parasympathetic nervous system

Nervous System

Synonyms brain, CNS, nerves, nerve fibers Definition The nervous system is a superordinate switching and communication system present in all more complex living beings. The nervous system is used in a simplified way to integrate and coordinate information for an organism: The absorption of stimuli (information) that affect the body from the environment or arise … Nervous System

Slipped disc | Nervous System

Slipped disc A herniated disc causes the gelatinous mass of the disc to leak out. This gelatinous mass can protrude into the spinal canal and press the spinal cord. If the pressure becomes too great, pain, sensory disturbances, paralysis and complete loss of function can result. Whiplash Whiplash injuries of the cervical spine and the … Slipped disc | Nervous System

Vegetative Nervous System

Definition The human nervous system can be classified in different ways: The first classification is based on where each part of the nervous system is located: A distinction is made between the central nervous system (CNS), which consists of the brain and the spinal cord, And a peripheral nervous system (PNS), which includes all other … Vegetative Nervous System

Classification of the autonomic nervous system | Vegetative Nervous System

Classification of the autonomic nervous system The autonomic nervous system is divided into three parts: The enteric nervous system consists of a network of nerves embedded between the individual layers of hollow organs. These include, among others: The digestive organs are once again an exception, since this nervous system works completely independently of the central … Classification of the autonomic nervous system | Vegetative Nervous System