Prevention | Flu or cold? – These are the differences

Prevention It is possible to prevent influenza by means of flu vaccination. The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) recommends that persons over 60 years of age, pregnant women from the second trimester of pregnancy, residents of old people’s homes or nursing homes and persons at increased risk (e.g. medical and nursing staff) undergo flu vaccination annually. … Prevention | Flu or cold? – These are the differences

Cryotherapy/cold therapy

Cryotherapy or cold therapy is a type of thermotherapy in which cold is applied to the skin in various forms or to which the whole body is exposed to the cold. Cryotherapy/cold therapy includes applications with ice such as ice lollipops or ice bags, cold spray, cold compresses, the cold chamber or the ice bath. … Cryotherapy/cold therapy

Does cryotherapy/cold therapy help with weight loss? | Cryotherapy/cold therapy

Does cryotherapy/cold therapy help with weight loss? The regular use of a cold chamber is said to burn up to 800 kilocalories, tighten the tissue, reduce fat pads and help with weight loss. Since the circulation is strongly stimulated within 3 minutes, the internal body temperature of 37 degrees is to be maintained and the … Does cryotherapy/cold therapy help with weight loss? | Cryotherapy/cold therapy

Cold therapy for rheumatism? | Cryotherapy/cold therapy

Cold therapy for rheumatism? The cold therapy is mentioned by rheumatism centers and by the German rheumatism league for the relief of the complaints with chronic inflammatory rheumatic illnesses.The decongestant, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect of cold therapy can have a soothing effect, especially in the inflammatory phase of rheumatism with swollen, hot and aching joints. … Cold therapy for rheumatism? | Cryotherapy/cold therapy