Granuloma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Granuloma is a frequently occurring chronic inflammatory skin disease. Here, rough papules (skin nodules) are formed, which occur in particular on the back of the hand and foot, whereby children / adolescents are affected more often than adults. What is a granuloma? A granuloma is a nodule-like, usually benign neoplasm of tissue of the skin. … Granuloma: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Lockjaw: Causes, Treatment & Help

In lockjaw, the opening of the mouth is partially or completely impaired. This condition can have a number of very different causes, but is generally easily treatable and reversible. However, lockjaw can cause severe pain. What is lockjaw? In lockjaw, the opening of the mouth is partially or completely impaired. This condition can have a … Lockjaw: Causes, Treatment & Help

Facial Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Facial pain has various forms and causes. If causal control of facial pain is not possible, symptom control can be used. What is facial pain? Various forms of facial pain are distinguished in medicine; the most common facial pain includes so-called trigeminal neuralgia (affecting the facial nerves) or idiopathic facial pain. Facial pain is a … Facial Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help