Sore throat due to an allergy


Sore throats can occur in the context of an allergy. These sore throats are due to irritation caused by certain substances, e.g. pollen, animal hair, mould, food or dust mites. They therefore occur on contact with these substances, the so-called allergens.


This can make breathing through the nose difficult due to the swollen nasal mucosa. As a result, more breathing through the mouth is required. Normally, the nose warms the air we breathe and filters it before it reaches the throat.

When breathing through the mouth, cold air enters the mouth and finally the throat. This cold breathing air dries out the mouth and throat area. The throat reacts more sensitively to this than the mouth area and so sore throats can develop.

Mouth breathing also causes an increase in the amount of pollen particles entering the throat, for example, which additionally irritates it. The histamine released causes the nerve endings to become more sensitive and increases itching and scratching. Pollen can cause allergy-related sore throats.

Mostly it is pollen from the pollen of certain grasses, plants or trees. However, certain shrubs, grains and herbs can also cause allergy-related sore throats. The pollen already fly in winter, when milder temperatures prevail.

The pollen of hazelnuts and alders fly already between February and March. They can cause sore throats due to the described causes. Sore throats caused by house dust mites occur all year round.

The trigger is the mite faeces, which contain certain proteins to which the body reacts with an immune response. This is why the house dust allergy is correctly called a house dust mite allergy. The excreted faeces of the mites dry out, decompose and mix with the house dust. Particularly when dust is stirred up or in a draft, these components can be inhaled with the air we breathe.


The doctor uses an endoscope to look into the nose and throat. Swollen mucous membranes and watery, glassy nasal mucus can indicate an allergy to pollen or house dust mites. If there is a suspicion that the sore throat is due to an allergic reaction, a comprehensive interview, a so-called allergy anamnesis, follows.

Furthermore, the skin prick test, serological tests and a provocation test can be done. In the skin prick test, various substances are applied to the skin and the reaction is observed. Hereby specific antibodies can be detected in the skin. The serological test detects antibodies (IgE) in the blood. In the provocation test, the suspected triggering substance is given through the nose and its reaction is observed and measured.