Physiotherapy for bursitis of the hip

Physiotherapy can help to positively influence an existing bursitis of the hip and accelerate the regeneration. The bursitis of the hip joint, known in specialist circles as bursitis, is a painful and inflammatory disease of the bursae of the hip joint. The two most common forms of bursitis of the hip are bursitis trochanterica, which develops in the lateral bursae of the hip, and bursitis iliopectinea, which affects the bursae in the groin.

Physiotherapy: strengthening and stretching exercises

During the physiotherapeutic therapy, the patient learns a series of exercises which he can then continue at home. These are in particular strengthening and stretching exercises to mobilize and strengthen the affected joint: Strengthen leg lifts: Lie down on your healthy side on a straight under surface. Support your head on your hand.

Now lift the leg on the affected side 5-10 cm and tense your thigh muscles. Hold this position for about 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

Lengthen and strengthen your hip muscles: Lie on your stomach (preferably on a yoga mat or similar). Your arms lie relaxed beside you, palms of your hands on the mat. Now lift the leg of the affected side a few centimeters off the floor in an extended position.

Hold this position for about 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times. Stretching of the hips: Stand upright and straight.

Now cross the leg of the affected side with your healthy leg. Now try to touch the floor with your fingertips. Your standing leg should remain as extended as possible.

Hold this position for 30 seconds and then slowly return to the starting position. Stretching the front of your hips: Lie flat on your stomach (again, it is best to lie on a yoga mat). The forehead lies on the hand of the unaffected side.

With the other hand, grasp the ankle of the affected leg and pull the foot towards the buttocks. You should feel a stretch in your thigh and hip. Hold this position for about 30 seconds.

You should pay attention to signals from your body in all exercises you perform. If an exercise causes great pain, you should not perform it. In general, it is always important that you consult your doctor and therapist to find out which exercises are best suited to your situation and at what intensity the exercises should be performed.

and physiotherapy for hip pain

  1. Strengthen leg lifter: Lie down on your healthy side on a straight under surface. Support your head on your hand. Now lift the leg of the affected side 5-10 cm and tense your thigh muscles.

    Hold this position for about 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

  2. Lengthen and strengthen hip muscles: Lie on your stomach (preferably on a yoga mat or similar). Your arms lie relaxed beside you, palms of your hands on the mat.

    Now lift the leg of the affected side a few centimeters off the floor in an extended position. Hold this position for about 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

  3. Stretching of the hips: Stand upright and straight.

    Now cross the healthy leg over the leg of the affected side. Now try to touch the floor with your fingertips. Your standing leg should remain as extended as possible.

    Hold this position for 30 seconds and then slowly return to the starting position.

  4. Stretching the front of the hips: Lie flat on your stomach (again, it is best to lie on a yoga mat). The forehead lies on the hand of the unaffected side. With the other hand, grasp the ankle of the affected leg and pull the foot towards the buttocks. You should feel a stretch in your thigh and hip. Hold this position for about 30 seconds.