Gambling Addiction: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

People often fail to recognize the dangers of gambling addiction. However, just as with other addictions, the consequences can often be severe. Gambling addiction should be distinguished from Internet addiction and computer game addiction, although they may be related. What is gambling addiction? Gambling addiction is also referred to in psychology and psychiatry as pathological … Gambling Addiction: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Gaming Addiction

Symptoms The possible negative consequences and characteristics of a gaming addiction include: Withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, nervousness, aggression, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts Sleep deprivation, sleep disturbances Tendonitis (tendon disorders), muscle and joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, sensory disturbances. Epilepsy, seizures Eye complaints Mental and psychiatric disorders Malnutrition, weight loss Obsessive preoccupation with … Gaming Addiction

Addictive Disorders: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

An addictive disorder is a disease characterized by an uncontrollable craving for a particular substance or activity. It may be alcohol, medications, drugs, or even sex or gambling, for example. Addictive disorders usually have severe psychological and/or physical consequences for the person affected. What are addictive disorders? Experts understand the term addictive disease as a … Addictive Disorders: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment