Delirium: causes and treatment

Brief overview Description: Complex of different mental and physical symptoms, which are all physically (organically) caused (“organic psychosyndrome”). Delirium (delirium) occurs especially often in elderly patients. Men are more often affected than women because they are more prone to alcohol abuse (potential trigger of delirium). Causes: febrile infections, disturbances of the water and electrolyte balance, … Delirium: causes and treatment

Confusion: Causes, Treatment & Help

Confusion is a disorder of consciousness that causes impaired perception, decreased performance, and impaired concentration. Confusion can be a slowly increasing process or it can occur suddenly and acutely. Confusion often affects the elderly. What is confusion? Confusion can be a slowly increasing process or it can occur suddenly and acutely. Confusion often affects the … Confusion: Causes, Treatment & Help

Duration of the side effects and after-effects of anaesthesia

Introduction The duration of the side effects and after-effects of anesthesia depend on many factors. In addition to age, the anaesthetic used also plays a role. Basically, however, most postoperative symptoms such as nausea or slight confusion are only of short duration. Nausea If no preventive measures are taken, up to 30% of all patients … Duration of the side effects and after-effects of anaesthesia

With old people | Duration of the side effects and after-effects of anaesthesia

With old people The side effects of anaesthesia can be manifold. Post-operative pain, nausea and vomiting after an anaesthetic, as well as states of confusion occur most frequently. Older patients in particular often suffer from a so-called postoperative delirium. According to various studies, between 30 and 40 percent of all over-60s are affected by this … With old people | Duration of the side effects and after-effects of anaesthesia

This is what cirrhosis of the liver looks like in the final stage

Introduction Cirrhosis of the liver is a chronic and irreversible damage to liver tissue. It is a complex clinical picture that can be accompanied by various secondary diseases and life-threatening complications. Cirrhosis of the liver is typically caused by chronic diseases such as hepatitis, fatty liver or other changes in liver tissue. The disease can … This is what cirrhosis of the liver looks like in the final stage

Typical symptoms of the final stage | This is what cirrhosis of the liver looks like in the final stage

Typical symptoms of the final stage Cirrhosis of the liver is a complex disease that affects various organ systems in its course and can cause symptoms in all parts of the body. Typical abnormalities of liver cirrhosis include Fatigue, performance slump, susceptibility to infections, feeling ill Feeling of pressure and fullness in the upper abdomen, … Typical symptoms of the final stage | This is what cirrhosis of the liver looks like in the final stage

Liver Transplantation | This is what cirrhosis of the liver looks like in the final stage

Liver Transplantation Since liver cirrhosis is a permanent and life-threatening disease, liver transplantation is the only therapeutic option for cirrhosis and restoration of liver function. Liver transplantation is a rare and high-risk surgical procedure in which a complete or partial liver or part of a liver is transplanted from a deceased or living donor. Since … Liver Transplantation | This is what cirrhosis of the liver looks like in the final stage

Aftereffects of anesthesia during gastroscopy | After-effects of anesthesia

Aftereffects of anesthesia during gastroscopy In the case of a gastroscopy, some patients are given a general anaesthetic. Basically, the after-effects of the anesthesia are the same as with any other anesthesia. Dizziness, nausea, memory disorders and confusion are possible. Other after-effects, such as hoarseness and sore throat, are more likely to be caused by … Aftereffects of anesthesia during gastroscopy | After-effects of anesthesia

Therapy | After-effects of anesthesia

Therapy Blood pressure can be raised with so-called sympathomimetics, such as adrenaline. There are many ways to lower blood pressure, for example ß-blockers, ACE inhibitors or alpha-receptor blockers. There are also numerous options for treating pain, the most commonly used being opioids (pain relievers), the best-known of which is morphine. Alternatively, antipyretic (antipyretic) or anti-inflammatory … Therapy | After-effects of anesthesia

Prophylaxis | After-effects of anesthesia

Prophylaxis There is hardly anything that can be done against the after-effects of anesthesia, usually the patient is not in control of how he or she reacts to the anesthesia, but capable anesthetists are aware of this and select the most tolerable narcotics. All articles in this series: After-effects of anesthesia Aftereffects in children Aftereffects … Prophylaxis | After-effects of anesthesia

After-effects of anesthesia

Introduction An operation and the associated anaesthesia is a particular strain on the body, which is why the body can react accordingly after such a procedure. These after-effects of anesthesia can vary greatly from person to person, both in number and intensity. Complications can occur in the area of the cardiovascular system, but nausea and … After-effects of anesthesia