Three Month Injection

Products In many countries, medroxyprogesterone acetate is commercially available in the form of an injection suspension as a three-month syringe (Depo-Provera, disposable syringes, D: Depo-Clinovir). Medroxyprogesterone acetate has been approved in many countries since 1964 and in the United States only since 1992. Structure and properties Medroxyprogesterone acetate (C24H34O4, Mr = 386.5 g/mol) is a … Three Month Injection

Side effects of the pill

Causes of the side effects of the pill The contraceptive pill is a very common contraceptive method. It is a hormone preparation which, depending on the type of pill, supplies the body with estrogens and progestins. In comparison to single-phase and two-phase preparations, minipills consist only of progestins. The pill thus intervenes strongly in the … Side effects of the pill

What are the side effects of taking the pill? | Side effects of the pill

What are the side effects of taking the pill? Many women make a conscious decision to take the pill. This means that they do not stop taking the pill after 21 days, but start taking the next slide immediately. This procedure is called a “long-term cycle”. This means that in most cases menstruation stops during … What are the side effects of taking the pill? | Side effects of the pill