Brushing Teeth Properly

Brushing your teeth is indisputably the most effective measure to prevent tooth decay and gingivitis. But a poor toothbrush and the wrong brushing technique won’t get you far: in daily oral hygiene, up to 33 percent of all tooth surfaces are then left unbrushed and the spaces between the teeth are not reached. Therefore, only … Brushing Teeth Properly

Measure Blood Pressure Correctly

Measuring blood pressure correctly is not so easy. Because even before you start measuring, there are already plenty of unanswered questions: when is the ideal time to measure blood pressure? Which arm should I connect the blood pressure monitor to, the right or the left? And what blood pressure values are normal anyway? We answer … Measure Blood Pressure Correctly

Treat Bedwetting Properly

Every sixth child at the age of five wets the bed at night – among 15-year-olds still about 1.5 percent. “Nocturnal bedwetting is usually a great burden for both the child and the parents,” says Dr. Ingo Franke of the Center for Pediatrics at Bonn University Hospital. Fear and shame often affect the self-confidence of … Treat Bedwetting Properly