Inflammation of the ethmoidal cells

Introduction Sieve bone cells (lat. Sinus ethmoidalis, also called Cellulae ethmoidales) are a variety of air-filled spaces in the ethmoid bone (Os ethmoidale). A distinction is made between front and rear ethmoidal cells, which form the ethmoidal labyrinth. Together with the maxillary, sphenoid and frontal sinuses, the ethmoid cells belong to the paranasal sinuses. As … Inflammation of the ethmoidal cells

Therapy | Inflammation of the ethmoidal cells

Therapy Acute viral sinusitis usually heals completely within a few days to weeks. Therapeutically, the use of decongestant medication is advisable, as well as the intake of painkillers and, if necessary, antipyretic drugs. The same applies to first-time acute bacterial infections. If a bacterial cause of the disease is suspected, an antibiotic is also indicated. … Therapy | Inflammation of the ethmoidal cells