Pain in the back of the head as an indication of a tumor? | Pain in the back of the head

Pain in the back of the head as an indication of a tumor? Many patients with headaches worry that a tumor could be behind their complaints. Only in a very small proportion of cases do back headaches actually indicate a serious illness. A tumor is most likely to be a possible cause when the pain … Pain in the back of the head as an indication of a tumor? | Pain in the back of the head

Sublingual Gland: Structure, Function & Diseases

The sublingual gland is the smallest of the three major salivary glands in humans and is located below the tongue. It produces a mixed secretion consisting mainly of mucous, mucoid components. The salivary gland is divided into two sections, the glandula sublingualis major, a contiguous glandular structure, and the glandulae sublinguales minores, smaller glandular packets, … Sublingual Gland: Structure, Function & Diseases

The auricle

Definition The auricle, also called auricula (lat. auris – ear), is the visible, shell-shaped and cartilaginous outer part of the outer ear and together with the external auditory canal forms the outer ear. Together with the middle ear, it forms the sound conducting apparatus of the human hearing organ. With its shell-like funnel shape and … The auricle

The cartilage | The auricle

The cartilage The cartilaginous framework of the auricle gives it its typical shape and gives it the necessary stability, while remaining elastic and soft. These properties are due to the fact that the cartilage consists of so-called elastic cartilage. This cartilage contains a particularly large number of elastic fibers made up of elastin and fibrillin. … The cartilage | The auricle

Brain Nerves

Synonyms in the broadest sense cranial nerve, cranial nerve, cranial nerves, optic nerve, olfactory nerve, oculomotor nerve, trochlear nerve, trigeminal nerve, facial nerve, abducens nerve, vestibulocochlear nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, vagus nerve Definition The generic term cranial nerves (Nervi craniales) refers to 12 specific nerves of outstanding importance on each half of the body. For practical … Brain Nerves