Chronic venous insufficiency – You need to know that!

Chronic venous insufficiency results from a weakness of the veins. In this case, more and more blood accumulates in the leg veins, for example due to venous valves not closing properly. These veins dilate as a result. If this accumulation of blood persists, fluid can leak from the vessels. This causes water to accumulate in … Chronic venous insufficiency – You need to know that!

What stages are there? | Chronic venous insufficiency – You need to know that!

What stages are there? According to Widmer, chronic venous insufficiency is divided into three stages. The classification is based on the patient’s symptoms. In the first stage reversible water retention occurs. This means that the water retention, which manifests itself in the form of swelling of the legs, varies depending on the ambient temperature and … What stages are there? | Chronic venous insufficiency – You need to know that!

What can be long-term consequences? | Chronic venous insufficiency – You need to know that!

What can be long-term consequences? As a complication of chronic venous insufficiency, bleeding from the varicose veins, for example, can occur. This can be caused by the increased tension due to blood congestion or by an injury or accident. Often veins with a thin wall, which lie just under the skin, are affected. It then … What can be long-term consequences? | Chronic venous insufficiency – You need to know that!

What’s the prognosis? | Chronic venous insufficiency – You need to know that!

What’s the prognosis? The duration and prognosis of chronic venous insufficiency depends on the stage of the disease. Especially in early stages, a rapid improvement of the symptoms can be seen with good therapy and conscious behaviour. Although more severe stages cannot usually be cured, much can be done to alleviate the symptoms. One of … What’s the prognosis? | Chronic venous insufficiency – You need to know that!

Open Leg: Treatment

In some respects, treatment approaches differ depending on the cause. For venous leg ulcers, the focus is on compression treatment with tight bandages wrapped around the leg or compression stockings. Studies have shown that the healing rates of the other therapies are also increased when compression therapy is used. It is supplemented by regular walking … Open Leg: Treatment

Open Leg (Leg Ulcer)

The skin on the lower leg is dry, red and itchy, later brown pigment spots, weeping eczema and skin hardening form. An open area develops that simply does not heal. Almost one million people in Germany suffer from leg ulcers, predominantly at the bottom of a vein condition. Incidence of leg ulcer Leg ulcer tends … Open Leg (Leg Ulcer)

Open Leg: Causes and Diagnosis

The ulcer itself is easy to recognize. For the treatment, however, the distinction according to the cause is indispensable. This often results already from the findings. Differences between venous and arterial leg ulcers. Venous leg ulcers are typically characterized by prolonged leg swelling and additional skin changes such as brownish spots (congestion spots due to … Open Leg: Causes and Diagnosis

Open Leg: Course and Prognosis

Without the support of the affected person, any therapy is doomed to failure. Venous and arterial leg ulcers. For venous leg ulcers, compression therapy is effective only if it is used regularly and if the calf muscles are activated by repeated walking. Sitting or standing in the same position for long periods is poison for … Open Leg: Course and Prognosis