What’s the prognosis? | Chronic venous insufficiency – You need to know that!

What’s the prognosis?

The duration and prognosis of chronic venous insufficiency depends on the stage of the disease. Especially in early stages, a rapid improvement of the symptoms can be seen with good therapy and conscious behaviour. Although more severe stages cannot usually be cured, much can be done to alleviate the symptoms. One of the most serious complications is deep leg vein thrombosis, which can worsen the prognosis considerably.

Is this disease contagious?

Chronic venous insufficiency is not contagious. The development of venous insufficiency is not based on factors that can be transmitted from one person to another through infection. The only transmission route is genetic.

Various factors play a role, such as the stability of the connective tissue and the venous valves, as well as the condition of the entire venous system. Thus, chronic venous insufficiency often results in family clusters that are genetically determined. However, this is not called an infection but a genetic predisposition.