Pain in labour

What is labor pains? The pain during labor is also called labor pains. Pain during labor feels different depending on the intensity and frequency, as well as the type of contractions. Contractions occur not only immediately before and during birth, but already from the 20th week of pregnancy. These pregnancy contractions usually have only a … Pain in labour

The contractions “breathe” | Pain in labour

The contractions “breathe” Breathing is an important way to relieve and control labor pains at birth. Correct breathing can be practiced before the birth. One should pay attention to deep, even breaths. The consequences are dizziness, nausea and a reduced supply of oxygen. The panting that was often recommended in the past should also be … The contractions “breathe” | Pain in labour

Adhesions in the abdomen

What are adhesions in the abdomen? Adhesions in the abdomen are tissue bridges that connect organs with each other or organs with the abdominal wall. They are not physiologically present and often occur after surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity. In technical terminology, adhesions are referred to as adhesion What causes adhesions in the abdominal … Adhesions in the abdomen