Stages of dementia

Dementia is a slowly progressing disease that is accompanied by loss of mental capacity. This is due to dying nerve cells. The disease progresses at different speeds depending on the patient, but cannot be stopped permanently. Depending on which symptoms occur and how pronounced the dementia is, stages are subdivided in the case of dementia. … Stages of dementia

Duration | Stages of dementia

Duration The duration of the dementia illness is different in each case. No rules can be identified that predict how long the disease will last. What is certain is that the disease cannot be cured, but can only be delayed by taking some medication. On average, each stage lasts about three years, so that, depending … Duration | Stages of dementia

Dementia test | Dementia

Dementia test The MMST – the Mini Mental Status Test – has emerged as a standardized instrument for the diagnosis of cognitive deficits, including dementia. In this test, various abilities of the brain are tested, which are evaluated with different points. The higher the score achieved, the weaker the deficits are. However, the test is … Dementia test | Dementia

Prevent dementia | Dementia

Prevent dementia Dementia and mental deterioration in old age can be prevented to a certain extent. The demands on the brain decrease with advancing age. The job is usually no longer pursued and everyday life becomes more routine. The strength and desire to break out of the daily grind is lost, which places less strain … Prevent dementia | Dementia


Synonyms in a broader sense English: dementia Alzheimer’s disease Dementia development Pick’s disease Delir Forgetfulness Definition Dementia is a disorder of the general thinking functions that leads to an impairment of everyday life. In many cases these disorders are progressive and cannot be cured (irreversible). Dementia is typically a disease of the elderly and the … Dementia

Symptoms | Dementia

Symptoms In general, it can be said that the symptoms usually take a slow course. Often such a development can take years. At the beginning of dementia the following symptoms often develop: Of course, one has to keep in mind that the isolated occurrence of such symptoms can be quite normal and one can by … Symptoms | Dementia

Forms of dementia | Dementia

Forms of dementia The different forms of dementia can be distinguished from one another in different ways or divided into groups. Reference can be made to the localisation of the changes in the brain, to the cause of their development and to the underlying disease. If the degenerative processes occur at certain locations in the … Forms of dementia | Dementia

Stages of dementia | Dementia

Stages of dementia Due to the different underlying diseases that can trigger dementia, different courses of the disease develop, which can be classified by stages. Often, however, the symptoms can be attributed to a general stage, which occur across all diseases. – Early stage: In the first stage, the patient becomes conspicuous mainly by a … Stages of dementia | Dementia