Ceramic inlay

An inlay is a form of dental prosthesis manufactured in the dental laboratory that can be permanently inserted into the tooth. In most cases, extensive carious defects are treated with an inlay. It is also possible, however, to treat dental defects resulting from trauma with an inlay. In contrast to classical, plastic filling materials (plastic), … Ceramic inlay

Pain on a ceramic inlay – What could be behind it? | Ceramic inlay

Pain on a ceramic inlay – What could be behind it? A ceramic inlay is made in the dental laboratory after the dentist grinds the tooth into shape and removes caries and diseased tissue. If bacteria have remained in the tooth, it is possible that under an inlay there is a caries causing the pain. … Pain on a ceramic inlay – What could be behind it? | Ceramic inlay

The seal

Definition A seal (tooth seal) is colloquially called a tooth filling made of amalgam, a mercury alloy (silver amalgam). Individual components of this filling material are: Silver (40%) Tin (32%) Copper (30%) Indium (5%) Mercury (3%) and Zinc (2%). Discussions about the seal Amalgam dental fillings are still the subject of many discussions today. Critics … The seal

Application | The seal

Application Amalgam is still frequently used in German dental practices and is also quite easy to insert into the tooth. After a local anaesthetic is applied, the caries is completely removed and the tooth is prepared in a box-shaped manner. This preparation ensures the highest possible adhesion between the tooth substance and the filling material. … Application | The seal

The cost of a seal | The seal

The cost of a seal The cost of a seal, i.e. a tooth filling, depends on the material chosen for the filling. In most cases there is the possibility of a plastic or amalgam filling. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most frequently chosen seal is made of plastic. The … The cost of a seal | The seal

Tooth filling with amalgam

Introduction In order to remove caries successfully and to be able to provide the affected tooth with long-term care afterwards, a dental filling is usually used. After the dentist has completely removed the caries and drained the hole (cavity) created by the treatment of the caries, one of the different filling materials can be used. … Tooth filling with amalgam

Tooth filling

Introduction Teeth destroyed by caries cannot be rebuilt by the organism. The defects must be closed by a filling. Unfortunately, the term seal is often used as a synonym for the filling. This word is derived from the Latin term for lead, and lead really has no place in the oral cavity. Therefore this erroneous … Tooth filling

Lost tooth filling | Tooth filling

Lost tooth filling The loss of a filling indicates either that the adhesive elements have not fixed it properly or that caries has formed under the filling, which has loosened the adhesive bond from tooth to filling. If the affected person loses his filling, it is generally agreed that it will be replaced by a … Lost tooth filling | Tooth filling