Ceramic inlay

An inlay is a form of dental prosthesis manufactured in the dental laboratory that can be permanently inserted into the tooth. In most cases, extensive carious defects are treated with an inlay. It is also possible, however, to treat dental defects resulting from trauma with an inlay. In contrast to classical, plastic filling materials (plastic), … Ceramic inlay

Pain on a ceramic inlay – What could be behind it? | Ceramic inlay

Pain on a ceramic inlay – What could be behind it? A ceramic inlay is made in the dental laboratory after the dentist grinds the tooth into shape and removes caries and diseased tissue. If bacteria have remained in the tooth, it is possible that under an inlay there is a caries causing the pain. … Pain on a ceramic inlay – What could be behind it? | Ceramic inlay

Gold inlay

Introduction The treatment of a carious tooth can be done in different ways depending on the extent and depth of the defect. Small carious defects usually require only a simple tooth filling with the help of plastic filling materials (e.g. plastic), which are introduced into the cavity in a liquid state and then cured. In … Gold inlay

Costs | Gold inlay

Costs The price of a dental restoration with a gold inlay is made up of various individual values. For this reason, it is not possible to indicate a flat-rate total price. However, it is important for the patient to note that a gold inlay is a so-called private service. This means that statutory health insurance … Costs | Gold inlay

Aftercare | Gold inlay

Aftercare The gold inlay is normally fully resilient within a short time after insertion. To avoid irritations and minimize the risks of an inlay filling, however, it is advisable to observe a few basic rules within the first hours after the gold inlay has been glued in. Ideally, no food should be consumed within the … Aftercare | Gold inlay