Manual therapy against crandiomandibular dysfunction | Craniomandibular dysfunction

Manual therapy against crandiomandibular dysfunction Manual therapy is prescribed by the dentist and carried out by the physiotherapist. There are special therapists with additional training who know the head and neck area in detail. A prescription is usually issued for 10 appointments of 20 minutes each. The aim of the therapy is to relax the … Manual therapy against crandiomandibular dysfunction | Craniomandibular dysfunction


Synonyms in a broader sense Tooth, teeth, upper jaw, jaw, lower jaw, milk teeth. Introduction The dentition is the entirety of the teeth of the upper and lower jaw (maxilla and mandible). The development of the teeth begins in the dental arch before birth. At the age of 6 months the first teeth appear in … Dentition

Permanent dentition | Dentition

Permanent dentition At the age of 6 years the first permanent molar breaks through. Since it appears behind the last milk tooth, it is still considered by many as a milk tooth, because no milk tooth falls out. This cheek tooth, which is also called 6-year molar because of its appearance, is the first tooth … Permanent dentition | Dentition