Lining a denture

Introduction Carriers of “third teeth” often report that the dentures loosen after some time and wobble, especially when chewing and speaking. Adhesive creams can only temporarily solve this problem, as the cause of poorly fitting dentures is the conversion and decay of the edentulous jawbone. Therefore the base of the denture must be adapted to … Lining a denture

What does the relining of a dental prosthesis cost? | Lining a denture

What does the relining of a dental prosthesis cost? The cost of relining a dental prosthesis varies depending on the amount of work involved. It must be considered whether both dentures (upper and lower jaw prosthesis) have to be relined or only one of the two mentioned. At the same time, the costs depend on … What does the relining of a dental prosthesis cost? | Lining a denture