Diagnosis | Fish poisoning

Diagnosis The diagnosis of fish poisoning is usually based on the patient’s medical history. If symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract, such as diarrhoea, vomiting and abdominal pain, appear shortly after eating fish, it is possible to be ill with fish poisoning. The most common cause of fish poisoning is an infestation of the fish by … Diagnosis | Fish poisoning

Clostridium difficile

What is Clostridium difficile? Clostridium difficile is a gram-positive bacterium in rod form. As with all Clostridia, it is an anaerobic bacterium, i.e. bacteria that do not tolerate or need oxygen. They are spores and can therefore survive for a long time. Many people carry this germ in their intestines without becoming ill. However, if … Clostridium difficile

I can tell by these symptoms that I’m diseased | Clostridium difficile

I can tell by these symptoms that I’m diseased In order to have an increased risk for the disease at all, one must have received a long-term antibiotic therapy beforehand. This often applies to ENT patients, people with pneumonia and patients after artificial joint inflammation. If bloody diarrhoea occurs after several weeks of antibiotic therapy … I can tell by these symptoms that I’m diseased | Clostridium difficile

Nausea as the cause of vomiting | Causes of vomiting

Nausea as the cause of vomiting In most cases vomiting is associated with nausea. The feeling of nausea signals the brain that there is a problem, which can be solved by the mechanism of vomiting. Only rarely is vomiting triggered without prior nausea. This can happen, for example, when the throat is mechanically irritated (touching … Nausea as the cause of vomiting | Causes of vomiting

How long does the diarrhea last? | Duration of Norovirus disease

How long does the diarrhea last? Even the mostly watery diarrhea that occurs in a norovirus infection can be over after 12 hours or last up to 48 hours. Under certain circumstances, however, the diarrhoea can also last longer. Unlike vomiting, diarrhea caused by noroviruses should not be treated with drugs that restrict the intestine’s … How long does the diarrhea last? | Duration of Norovirus disease

Duration until the test is positive | Duration of Norovirus disease

Duration until the test is positive As soon as the symptoms appear, i.e. diarrhoea and vomiting, the virus can be detected in the stool. There are different methods for detection. However, it is not advisable to test the stool for norovirus components if only individual persons are ill. The test is a financial burden on … Duration until the test is positive | Duration of Norovirus disease