Frequency | Inflammation of the intervertebral disc


With a frequency of about 1:250. 000 in Germany, intervertebral disc inflammation is a very rare disease. The mortality rate is up to 10% in very severe cases.

In principle, patients can fall ill at any age, but the frequency peak is in the 5th – 7th decade of life. An accumulation of disc inflammation is also found in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, autoimmune diseases, kidney failure, liver inflammation, cancer or alcoholism. Men are affected three times as often as women.


In principle, the severity of the course of the inflammation of intervertebral discs and vertebral bodies varies enormously. The spectrum ranges from asymptomatic progressions, which are only conspicuous by chance, to the most severe painful conditions. The pain occurs mainly at rest and at night.

In addition to the localized pain in the back, general symptoms such as fever, fatigue, chills or increased infection signs can also occur in the laboratory. Neck tensions or sciatica pain can also be an indication of an inflammation of the intervertebral discs. In most cases, the mobility of the spine is restricted.

More rarely, irritation of the nerve roots occurs, which can lead to severe neuropathic pain and neurological deficits. If the inflammation causes an epidural abscess, i.e. an accumulation of fluid in the area of the spinal meninges, which then presses on the spinal cord, the symptoms of paraplegia may even occur.Another inflammation in the area of the spinal column, which must be distinguished from the inflammation of the intervertebral disc, is the inflammation of nerve roots, i.e. at the points where nerves emerge from the spinal cord. It can have very similar symptoms to the inflammation of the intervertebral disc.

Inflammation of the intervertebral disc in the lumbar spine

The lumbar spine (lumbar spine) is a frequently affected area when the intervertebral disc is inflamed. Due to the inflammation in the lumbar spine area, bending, lifting, straightening and sitting are often painful for those affected. With a deep corset, the lumbar spine can be restricted in its movements as much as possible.

Therapy must be carried out as early as possible with the help of antibiotics, as otherwise the inflammation can spread to the abdomen and pelvic organs. In rare cases, the nerves that emerge from the spinal cord in the area of the lumbar spine can also be affected. They are responsible for motor and sensitive tasks in the legs. If they are damaged, the failure symptoms along these nerve fibers can be felt as far as the legs and feet.