Anthrax: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Anthrax or anthrax is an infectious disease caused by bacteria. Normally, it occurs very rarely in humans. It is more common in ungulates, but they can transmit the anthrax pathogens if they come into close contact with the human. The most common in humans is cutaneous anthrax. Unfortunately, there are also bilogic agents that are … Anthrax: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Thyroid Gland: Structure, Function & Diseases

Along with the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, the thyroid gland is an important component of the thyrotropic regulatory circuit. Disturbances of this hormonal regulatory circuit can lead to serious impairment and even to a life-threatening metabolic derailment (thyrotoxic crisis). What is the thyroid gland? Infographic on the anatomy and location of the thyroid gland, as … Thyroid Gland: Structure, Function & Diseases

Afatinib: Effects, Uses & Risks

The drug afatinib is a relatively new agent used in the treatment of lung cancer. It works against cancer by blocking growth factors in cells. What is afatinib? Lung cancer-affected alveoli (alveoli) labeled in section. Click to enlarge. The drug afatinib is used to treat adult patients suffering from advanced-stage non-small cell lung cancer. It … Afatinib: Effects, Uses & Risks

Duration and prognosis of dizziness and tachycardia | Dizziness and palpitations

Duration and prognosis of dizziness and tachycardia The prognosis of dizziness and palpitations depends on the cause. It is difficult to give a general prognosis for the occurrence of dizziness and tachycardia. Especially if the symptoms are severe and other symptoms such as unconsciousness and shortness of breath are present, life-threatening diseases with immediate need … Duration and prognosis of dizziness and tachycardia | Dizziness and palpitations

Dizziness and palpitations during pregnancy | Dizziness and palpitations

Dizziness and palpitations during pregnancy The most common cause of dizziness and palpitations during pregnancy is low blood pressure. Especially at the beginning of pregnancy, these symptoms often become noticeable. The complaints are usually short-lived, because the low blood pressure can be normalized with simple measures. As a preventive measure, it is important to drink … Dizziness and palpitations during pregnancy | Dizziness and palpitations

Dizziness and palpitations

What is the significance of vertigo with palpitations? Dizziness and tachycardia are symptoms that occur very frequently in the population and are therefore often a reason for a visit to the doctor. The symptoms can occur individually or together and are due to a variety of different causes. Depending on the individual cause, dizziness and … Dizziness and palpitations

Course of dizziness and tachycardia | Dizziness and palpitations

Course of dizziness and tachycardia The course of dizziness and tachycardia depends strongly on the underlying cause. The symptoms often appear acutely and subside completely within minutes to hours after appropriate measures have been taken. If this is not the case, a doctor should be consulted. It is quite possible that the symptoms are caused … Course of dizziness and tachycardia | Dizziness and palpitations

Symptoms of low blood pressure

Introduction Low blood pressure (hypotension) is present according to the medical definition if it is below 10060 mmHg. In Germany, approximately 2-4% of the population suffer from hypotension, the majority of whom are women. Low blood pressure can have many different causes, which can be completely harmless. However, it can also indicate organic or, in … Symptoms of low blood pressure

Tiredness due to low blood pressure | Symptoms of low blood pressure

Tiredness due to low blood pressure Tiredness and listlessness can also be caused by low blood pressure, especially if it persists for a long time. As already explained in the section on dizziness, this leads to an undersupply (underperfusion) of the brain, since the low pressure cannot transport enough blood to the brain. Fatigue is … Tiredness due to low blood pressure | Symptoms of low blood pressure

Palpitations with low blood pressure | Symptoms of low blood pressure

Palpitations with low blood pressure When the heart is beating, the affected person feels his own heartbeat very clearly. Palpitations are a typical counter-reaction to low blood pressure. It is an increased heart rate, so the heart beats faster. The pulse rate increases accordingly. In this way, the body tries to compensate for the lack … Palpitations with low blood pressure | Symptoms of low blood pressure

Trembling due to low blood pressure | Symptoms of low blood pressure

Trembling due to low blood pressure Shaking is also a typical symptom of low blood pressure. If there is a sudden circulatory weakness caused by too low blood pressure, trembling of the extremities or the whole body often occurs in addition to symptoms such as dizziness, nausea or sweating. Here, too, tremor is caused by … Trembling due to low blood pressure | Symptoms of low blood pressure