Homeopathy for cough/coughing

Coughing is one of the most common symptoms of all. It is best known in the context of a flu-like infection, i.e. a cold. Irritant coughs, on the other hand, occur mainly in the case of an allergy or a dry throat. There are also various lung diseases that are associated with coughing. These include … Homeopathy for cough/coughing

Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for cough/coughing

Is there a suitable complex agent? Active ingredients: The complex remedy WALA Bronchi Plantago Globuli velati consists of four homeopathic components. These include ribwort (Plantago lanceolata), water hemp (Eupatorium cannabinum), bryony turnip (Bryonia cretica) and natural iron sulphide (pyrite). Effect: WALA Bronchi Plantago Globuli velati have a soothing effect on coughs, especially when the coughing … Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for cough/coughing

Treatment of the disease only with homeopathy or only as supportive therapy? | Homeopathy for cough/coughing

Treatment of the disease only with homeopathy or only as supportive therapy? If coughing occurs, the first thing to do is to try homeopathy alone. Whether this is sufficient, however, depends strongly on the type of cough and the underlying cause. Homeopathic remedies can be used especially for coughs that occur in the context of … Treatment of the disease only with homeopathy or only as supportive therapy? | Homeopathy for cough/coughing

Homeopathy for bronchitis

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the large airways, i.e. the bronchi. The cause is usually a previous infection by viruses, such as a cold. Bronchitis typically leads to a severe cough, which is often dry and occasionally accompanied by tough sputum. Fatigue, headache, aching limbs and fever are also common. In most cases, the bronchitis … Homeopathy for bronchitis


Other term Sundew Application of Drosera for the following diseases in homeopathy Whooping cough Bronchitisand Asthma Use of Drosera for the following symptoms Depressed and depressed mood. Crampy irritable cough with pain behind the sternum Nightly coughing fits with nausea and suffocation Salvo-like cough Active Organs Bronchial tubes Usual dosage Commonly used: Tablets (drops) D2, … Drosera