Duration of pleurisy

Inflammation of the pleura is a very painful disease in which the so-called pleura of the ribcage has become inflamed. The pleura is a part of the pleura of the chest. Strictly speaking, one speaks of pleuritis when the entire pleura is inflamed. In a broader sense, however, it is often generalized and is also … Duration of pleurisy

Consequences of pleurisy | Duration of pleurisy

Consequences of pleurisy A mild and moderately severe pleurisy usually heals without consequences. In the case of a severe inflammation, however, the healing of the inflamed areas may result in adhesions, adhesions or even calcifications (pleuritis calcerea). If this results in impaired lung function and thus breathing is restricted, surgery is required to remove the … Consequences of pleurisy | Duration of pleurisy

Effectively Treat Dry Eyes

Dry eyes – also known as sicca syndrome or keratoconjunctivitis sicca – can have various causes. It is not uncommon for symptoms to be caused by sitting in front of a computer for hours on end. But also environmental stimuli, certain diseases as well as the wearing of contact lenses are possible triggers. The symptoms … Effectively Treat Dry Eyes


Symptoms In a nosebleed, there is active bleeding in the nasal cavity. Blood flows through the nostrils to above the lip and chin. Less commonly, blood drains from the back portion of the nasal cavity into the throat and neck. This causes symptoms such as nausea, bloody vomiting, coughing up blood, and blackening of the … Nosebleed

Causes of a skin rash

Causes/forms Skin rashes (exanthema) occur in characteristic chronology. First there is a beginning of the skin change, then a climax, whose period of time can vary and finally healing. The cause of a skin rash is the so-called intolerance reaction of the skin cells in connection with the cells of the vessels. The interaction of … Causes of a skin rash