Red spots on the arms of older people | Red spots on the arms – warning signal or harmless?

Red spots on the arms of older people Especially older people often suffer from dry skin due to an insufficient drinking quantity, which is also called dehydration eczema. These red spots occur mainly in the winter months when the heating air and the cold winter air additionally dry out the skin. A scaling of the … Red spots on the arms of older people | Red spots on the arms – warning signal or harmless?

Pyridoxine Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Lack of pyridoxine can have serious consequences for metabolism. In most cases, pyridoxine deficiency is caused by a lack of vitamin B6 in the diet. Therapeutic and preventive options include taking dietary supplements and eating foods containing vitamin B6. What is pyridoxine deficiency? Pyridoxine deficiency refers to a vitamin B6 deficiency, also known as pyridoxine. … Pyridoxine Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Isoleucine: Function & Diseases

The essential amino acid isoleucine is just as important for people who are not exposed to physical stress as it is for those who have to perform at the highest levels as competitive and endurance athletes. Isoleucine is found in every amino acid and therefore has an influence on many bodily functions. A deficiency or … Isoleucine: Function & Diseases

Erythema: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The dermatologist understands the term erythema to mean a reddening of the skin caused by increased blood flow to the affected area of the body. The causes are varied and must be clearly identified in order to initiate adequate treatment. The prognosis depends on the underlying disease, but usually the erythema fades by itself after … Erythema: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Diagnosis of burning in the face | Burning in the face – What is behind it?

Diagnosis of burning in the face If the burning sensation in the face persists, the patient should first consult the family doctor. By looking at the skin and asking about the exact symptoms, first conclusions can be drawn about a trigger. Thus, shingles or trigeminal neuralgia always occurs on one side. In special cases (e.g. … Diagnosis of burning in the face | Burning in the face – What is behind it?

Therapy of burning in the face | Burning in the face – What is behind it?

Therapy of burning in the face The treatment of a burning in the face depends on the underlying cause. If the burning is due to a skin disease such as neurodermatitis, the dermatologist may prescribe special soothing creams (e.g. cortisone preparations). In case of dry skin, the regular application of a rich moisturizing cream, e.g. … Therapy of burning in the face | Burning in the face – What is behind it?

Blisters on the hand

Definition Bubbles are a group of skin changes that can occur for various reasons. They are fluid-filled elevations of the skin. Bubbles less than one centimetre in size are called blisters. Bubbles can be located within the epidermis or under the epidermis and contain liquids of different quality. They can be tissue fluid with or … Blisters on the hand

The outer labia

Introduction The labia, also called labia, are part of the outer sex of a woman. A distinction is made between the large, outer labia and the small, inner labia. When looking at the female genitals from the outside, usually only the outer labia are visible, as they usually completely cover the small, inner labia. However, … The outer labia

Eczema | The outer labia

Eczema Eczema is an inflammatory disease of the skin, which is rarely found in the genital area. They are characterized by severe itching, burning and sometimes sore spots. Eczema does not present a risk of infection, but should be examined by a gynaecologist to avoid possible chronicity. Possible causes of eczema in the area of … Eczema | The outer labia