Exercises for chest pain

When chest pain occurs, there are a number of exercises that can be performed to provide relief to the affected person. However, it is important to first find out what is causing the pain. The exercises are particularly suitable if the pain is the result of muscular tension in the chest area or between the individual costal arches. Adhesive, inflexible fasciae that envelop the individual muscle fibers can also trigger the pain. Often special stretching exercises can then provide relief to the affected person as a first-aid measure.


1. chest stretching: For this exercise lie on your back and put your feet up. The arms are stretched sideways, horizontally from the body. Breathe in and roll your arms down with your shoulders so that you feel your shoulder blades lift off the floor.

Exhale and roll back in the opposite direction, this time pressing your shoulder blades to the floor. 10 repetitions. 2. stretching the lateral chest: lie on your side and bend your legs slightly.

Now reach with the arm around your head to the ear close to the floor. Pull your head slightly upwards so that your elbow points towards the tips of your feet. Hold the curve briefly, return to the starting position and then extend the upper arm long over the head.

Then change sides. 3. trigger point treatment: Lie down so that you can easily reach the painful area(s) on your chest with your hand (i.e. lie on your side, back or stomach). Then feel your chest with your fingers until you reach a painful point. Press on the point and breathe in and out slowly until the pain subsides.

Exercises for shortness of breath

Exercise: Stand straight and upright. When breathing in, raise your arms in front of your body until they are stretched out above your head. Return to the starting position during exhalation.

10 repetitions. Exercise: Stand straight and upright. Breathe in and raise your arms stretched out to the sides to shoulder level.

The palms of your hands point towards the floor. Lower your arms as you exhale. 10 repetitions.

Exercise: While inhaling stretch your arms horizontally to the sides. When breathing out, cross your arms in front of your chest and embrace your shoulders as if you wanted to hug yourself. 10 repetitions.

Exercise: Raise your arms at an angle to chest level. Palms point down and fingertips touch lightly. Now pull your elbows back as far as possible, as if you wanted to join your shoulder blades together.

Hold the tension for about 20 seconds and then return to the starting position. 5 repetitions. Exercise: Stand on the side of a wall.

Extend the arm that is closer to the wall backwards at shoulder level so that it touches the wall. Feel the stretch in your lateral chest and hold it for 20 seconds. Then change sides.

  1. Exercise: Stand straight and upright. When breathing in, raise your arms in front of your body until they are stretched out above your head. Return to the starting position during exhalation.

    10 repetitions.

  2. Exercise: Stand straight and upright. Breathe in and lift your arms outstretched at the sides to shoulder level. The palms of your hands point towards the floor.

    Lower your arms again as you exhale. 10 repetitions.

  3. Exercise: When breathing in, stretch your arms horizontally to the sides. When breathing out, cross your arms in front of your chest and embrace your shoulders as if you wanted to hug yourself.

    10 repetitions.

  4. Exercise: Raise your arms angled at chest height. The palms of your hands point down and the fingertips touch lightly. Now pull your elbows back as far as possible, as if you wanted to bring your shoulder blades together.

    Hold the tension for about 20 seconds and then return to the starting position. 5 repetitions.

  5. Exercise: Stand sideways next to a wall. Extend the arm that is closer to the wall at shoulder height backwards so that it touches the wall. Feel the stretch in your lateral chest and hold it for 20 seconds. Then change sides.