Increased temperature after surgery | Increased temperature

Increased temperature after surgery Elevated temperatures after an operation, then also called post-operative fever, are not uncommon and clearly defined: one always speaks of a post-operative fever when the freshly operated patient reaches temperatures of over 38°C between the day of the operation and the 10th post-operative day. The causes can be manifold and can … Increased temperature after surgery | Increased temperature

Elevated temperature despite antibiotics – What to do? | Increased temperature

Elevated temperature despite antibiotics – What to do? If the temperature remains elevated despite taking antibiotics, the treating physician should be consulted again. In some cases, the antibiotic administered may not be fully effective against the suspected or specific pathogens, as they have either a natural or acquired resistance to the given active ingredient. The … Elevated temperature despite antibiotics – What to do? | Increased temperature

Increased temperature in the puerperium | Increased temperature

Increased temperature in the puerperium Elevated temperatures in the puerperium, also called postpartum fever or puerperal fever, are an expression of an infection of the female reproductive organs after birth, usually caused by the penetration of bacteria via the birth wound. In most cases, bacteria rise from the vagina into the uterus and cause an … Increased temperature in the puerperium | Increased temperature

Diagnosis | Increased temperature

Diagnosis Whether or not there is an elevated body temperature is usually measured using a clinical thermometer. The accuracy of the measurement depends not only on the characteristics of the device but also on the location of the measurement. If an elevated body temperature is actually present after correct measurement, the cause must be found. … Diagnosis | Increased temperature

Osteitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The medical profession speaks of an inflammation of the bone (osteitis) when there is an infection, which – in very many cases – is provided with malignant microorganisms. Operations or even open fractures (breaks) increase the risk of bone inflammation. In very many cases, only radical surgery is the only treatment option when the patient … Osteitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Child fever | Fever

Child fever Fever in a child is much more common than in an adult. In most cases, fever occurs in the context of mild infections. These very often include inflammation of the middle ear, recurrent inflammation of the respiratory tract or gastrointestinal infections. Small children are particularly susceptible, as they come into contact with many … Child fever | Fever

Fever after vaccination | Fever

Fever after vaccination In the context of a vaccination, fever is described as a possible side effect of the vaccine. Vaccinations are carried out by a pediatrician or family doctor and belong to the precaution and prevention just like the U – examinations. Vaccinations provide children with appropriate protection against serious infections and prevent the … Fever after vaccination | Fever

Fever without reason | Fever

Fever without reason If a fever occurs although it has already been diagnostically clarified that there is no organic cause, a psychologically triggered fever should be considered. For example, the fever can be triggered by mental stress. However, it should also be noted that in the first six months after the first occurrence of the … Fever without reason | Fever

Fever due to stress | Fever

Fever due to stress Fever can also be triggered by psychological causes. If stress is the cause, the fever persists for a long period of time, but usually does not rise much above 38 °C. Even if it is suspected that the fever is caused by stress, serious illnesses must be excluded. Psychological stress can … Fever due to stress | Fever