Dysphagia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Dysphagia is the medical term for difficulty swallowing. These can occur both acutely or develop into a chronic symptom that can have multiple causes. Treatment for dysphagia targets the cause of the symptoms and may include swallowing therapy, medication, and surgery. What is dysphagia? Dysphagia refers to difficulty swallowing. This means that it takes more … Dysphagia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Endoscope: Applications & Health Benefits

Endoscopes are used for direct visualization of human hollow organs and hollow bodies, which may be required in various medical specialties for diagnostic and/or therapeutic purposes. Endoscopes allow for minimally invasive procedures that are associated with less distress to the patient. What is an endoscope? Endoscopes enable minimally invasive procedures that are associated with less … Endoscope: Applications & Health Benefits

Giardiasis (Lambliasis): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Giardiasis is an infection of the intestine caused by parasites. The disease is more common in childhood and is easily treatable with antibiotics. There are approximately 200 million new infections worldwide each year, and giardiasis occurs primarily in tropical countries. What is giardiasis? Giardiasis is an intestinal infection caused by single-celled parasites that leads to … Giardiasis (Lambliasis): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Risks of a colonoscopy

Colonoscopy is also known as colonoscopy in the technical language. This is an examination of the intestine using a long endoscope to which a camera is attached to examine the tissue. It is one of the most important examinations for the early detection of colon cancer and can be performed by specialists in doctor’s offices … Risks of a colonoscopy

Medical Workwear: Application & Health Benefits

Proper medical workwear is an important aspect of infectious disease prevention. As a barrier between patients and staff, it protects both parties from harmful pathogens and also injuries. There are a variety of different clothing regulations and just as many types of clothing. Correct use and hygienic application in accordance with regulations are therefore very … Medical Workwear: Application & Health Benefits

Implementation | Stool Transplantation

Implementation The performance of a stool transplantation begins with the preparation of the stool of a healthy donor. For this purpose, the donor chair is diluted with a physiological saline solution and then filtered, which cleans it of superfluous components such as indigestible fiber and dead bacteria. In most cases, the suspension produced in this … Implementation | Stool Transplantation

Possible side effects and risks | Stool Transplantation

Possible side effects and risks Stool transplantation is a procedure that is not yet fully understood. Possible side effects and risks are not yet known and in some cases cannot yet be assessed. Previously performed stool transplantations in cases of non-therapeutic diarrhea caused by a bacterial infection with Clostridium difficile (CDAD) have shown a good … Possible side effects and risks | Stool Transplantation