Sexuality during Menopause

For most, it begins insidiously: the nights of love in the early days turn into waking nights of screaming children and periods of too little sleep after way too much work in middle age. If you look ahead from there, you see hair loss, hormonal imbalances and waning passion pass before your mind’s eye. Not … Sexuality during Menopause

Vaginal Dryness: Causes and Treatment

Symptoms Possible symptoms include vulvovaginal dryness, itching, inflammation, burning, feeling of pressure, discharge, light bleeding, pain during sexual intercourse, and local infectious disease. The urinary tract may be involved, manifested, for example, by frequent and painful urination, cystitis, blood in the urine, and urinary incontinence. Causes A common cause of symptoms is vaginal atrophy in … Vaginal Dryness: Causes and Treatment

Hot flashes

Hot flashes occur suddenly and are ascending. They usually disappear as quickly as they occurred. Sometimes it occurs only once a day, but on other days up to 40 times. As different as hot flushes seem and can occur, so different can their cause be. In addition to the classic menopausal hot flushes, numerous other … Hot flashes

What are the psychological causes? | Hot flashes

What are the psychological causes? In general, stress by activating the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic nervous system or “fight or flight” system) can lead to hot flashes. These can then be assigned to specific situations with a detailed anamnesis and detect a psychological cause for the hot flushes. Stress can generally be perceived as negative … What are the psychological causes? | Hot flashes

The prognosis | Hot flashes

The prognosis If the symptoms are climacteric hot flushes as part of the hormonal change in the course of the menopause, the prognosis is very favorable: All symptoms usually disappear again after the new hormonal situation has settled down, i.e. after about 3-5 years. In a few exceptional cases, the symptoms last a little longer … The prognosis | Hot flashes

During pregnancy | Vagina inflammation

During pregnancy Vaginal inflammation can also occur during pregnancy. This is favored by the changing hormonal influence on the natural vaginal flora. Often women suffer from a vaginal fungus, the above-mentioned Candida albicans, which can usually be easily treated with antimycotic ointments. It is important to note that some vaginal inflammation pathogens can also be … During pregnancy | Vagina inflammation

Vagina inflammation

Definition Vaginitis, also called vaginitis or colpitis, is the inflammation of the mucosa of the vagina. If the labia are also affected, it is called vulvovaginitis. This inflammation is often caused by bacteria or fungal infections. Many women suffer from vaginal inflammation during their lifetime and this has nothing to do with a lack of … Vagina inflammation