Preparing Food

Pesticide residues, contamination by insects, pollutants and contaminants such as soil residues cause us to thoroughly clean food during processing. Intensive washing, especially when food is bathed in water for a long time, brings high loss of vital substances (micronutrients). As a result, leaching of minerals and trace elements as well as water-soluble vitamins occurs. … Preparing Food

Inflammation of the Pancreas: Causes

Blood type – blood type B (1.53-fold increased risk of chronic pancreatitis; this is due to increased serum lipase activity (1.48-fold)). Pathogenesis (disease development) It is believed that the inflammatory process is triggered and maintained by autodigestion (self-digestion) of the organ by enzymes such as trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, proelastase and others. In this process, a so-called … Inflammation of the Pancreas: Causes

Celiac Disease (Gluten-Induced Enteropathy): Therapy

General measures The only and most effective therapy is a lifelong gluten-free diet (see nutritional medicine below). Even the smallest amounts or only occasional intake of gluten-containing cereals should be avoided.Within 3 years, regeneration of the small intestinal mucosa and normalization of zoeliac disease-specific serologic laboratory parameters (transglutaminase antibody (tTG) or endomysium antibody (EMA)) occur … Celiac Disease (Gluten-Induced Enteropathy): Therapy