Cat Allergy

Symptoms A cat allergy manifests itself similarly to hay fever. Possible symptoms include an allergic rhinitis, sneezing, coughing, asthma, shortness of breath, wheezing, allergic conjunctivitis, eye watering, hives, dermatitis, rash when scratching, and itching. Complications include the development of asthma and chronic sinusitis. Patients often suffer from other allergies. Causes The cause is type 1 … Cat Allergy

Antihistamine Eye Drops

Effects Antihistamine eye drops have antihistamine and antiallergic properties. They are more or less selective antagonists of histamine at the H1 receptor, abolish histamine effects and thus relieve symptoms such as itching, redness, swelling, and tearing. Compared with oral antihistamines, the effect occurs after only a few minutes and lasts up to 12 hours. Many … Antihistamine Eye Drops

Newcastle Disease

Symptoms Possible symptoms of Newcastle disease in chickens include general depression, fever, oedema, diarrhea, hemorrhagic lesions in the digestive tract, respiratory problems, egg abnormalities, torticollis, and paralysis. The severity can vary greatly depending on the outbreak and the strain of virus, making diagnosis difficult. In a severe course, nearly all animals may perish. In humans, … Newcastle Disease

Skin rash in children

Introduction When parents suddenly observe a rash in their children, they are usually very worried. In most cases, however, harmless childhood diseases or allergic reactions to certain environmental stimuli are hidden behind the skin changes. If the rash persists for a long time or if the child develops clear symptoms of illness, such as high … Skin rash in children

Epidemic Conjunctivitis

Symptoms Keratoconjunctivitis epidemica manifests in the acute phase as annular redness, irritation, and swelling of the conjunctiva with itching, photophobia, severe eye tearing, hemorrhage, foreign body sensation, and eyelid swelling. The symptoms start suddenly in one eye and may spread to the other eye within days. The cornea of the eye may also be affected. … Epidemic Conjunctivitis

Allergic Conjunctivitis

Symptoms Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis include itching, red eyes, eye watering, a thin discharge, and sneezing. The conjunctiva may be swollen, making it appear glassy. The itching and red eyes are particularly characteristic of the disease. Causes The inflammation is often caused by a pollen allergy (hay fever). In this case, it is also called … Allergic Conjunctivitis

Botulinum Toxin

Products Botulinum toxin is commercially available as an injectable. It has been approved in many countries since 1994. The drugs contain a dried preparation reconstituted with sterile physiological saline (sodium chloride 0.9%). Structure and properties Botulinum toxin type A is the toxin of the anaerobic and gram-positive bacterium . Various products are commercially available, which … Botulinum Toxin

Bacterial Conjunctivitis

Symptoms Bacterial conjunctivitis usually begins first in one eye and may spread to the second. Whitish-yellow smeary purulent secretions are discharged, causing conglutination and crusting, especially in the morning after sleep. The conjunctiva is reddened and blood may accumulate due to increased blood flow. A foreign body sensation and itching often occur. Other possible symptoms … Bacterial Conjunctivitis

Viral Conjunctivitis

Symptoms Possible symptoms of viral conjunctivitis include unilateral or bilateral redness, itching, burning, eye tearing, a foreign body sensation, lymph node swelling, and bleeding. It is often accompanied by inflammation of the cornea (keratitis). Itching, watery eyes, bilateral findings and other allergic symptoms indicate allergic conjunctivitis. However, differentiation based on clinical signs is generally difficult … Viral Conjunctivitis

Dry Eyes: Causes and Remedies

Background The tear film is the outermost connection between the surface of the eye and the environment and is involved in the visual process. It moisturizes, protects and nourishes the eye. It is an aqueous gel containing water, mucins, salts, antibacterial proteins and antibodies, vitamin A, and lipids, among other substances, and is distributed over … Dry Eyes: Causes and Remedies