Perioral Dermatitis (Erysipelas): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Perioral dermatitis, also known as erysipelas, is a non-contagious and harmless condition of the facial skin that is manifested by redness and pimples. In most cases, it is caused by excessive use of skin care products on the face. If these care products are consistently avoided, perioral dermatitis usually heals without problems. What is perioral … Perioral Dermatitis (Erysipelas): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Facial Swelling: Causes, Treatment & Help

Facial swelling can occur for a wide variety of reasons. These reasons include, for example, allergies, headaches, kidney dysfunction, and diseases of the head and facial area. Facial swelling also occurs with some childhood diseases, such as the mumps, and with diseases of the teeth and jaw. What is facial swelling? Some of the causes … Facial Swelling: Causes, Treatment & Help