Acutal pelvic inflammatory disease | Adnexitis

Acutal pelvic inflammatory disease Acute inflammation of the fallopian tube (tuba uterina) and/or the ovary (ovary) is called pelvic inflammatory disease (pelvic inflammatory disease) and is characterized by sudden onset of severe lower abdominal pain. This pain can be unilateral or bilateral, as the inflammation can also be unilateral or bilateral. In addition, vomiting, fever … Acutal pelvic inflammatory disease | Adnexitis

Guidelines | Adnexitis

Guidelines The guidelines recommend so-called empirical or calculated antibiotic therapy after blood cultures have been taken for pathogen detection. This means that antibiotic treatment must be started quickly (within 24-48h) without waiting for the results of the pathogen cultures. Antibiosis is therefore targeted against the bacteria expected to be present in the pathogen spectrum. Furthermore, … Guidelines | Adnexitis