Exercises | Fascial Training

Exercises With fascial training you can also strengthen your abdominal muscles. However, there is one rule when using a fascial roll, it should not be rolled directly on the abdominal muscles, since this is where the organs are located directly under the muscle cover.An abdominal exercise begins sitting on the floor. The roll is placed … Exercises | Fascial Training

Fascia Roll

Definition Also in this second exercise you should pay attention to a permanent tension in the upper body and roll up and down as often as you like. Especially after an intensive leg workout, rolling out the thigh muscles is a good idea. For this exercise, sit back on the fascial roll and start rolling … Fascia Roll

Fascia Roll for Fasciae Training

Fasciae – a term that is suddenly on everyone’s lips. What is behind it? It is body tissue that connects all structures in the body. Whether muscles, bones or organs. The continuous tissue surrounds everything in our body, provides support for the structures and at the same time enables changes in shape. Due to the … Fascia Roll for Fasciae Training