Sotos Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Sotos syndrome is a rare genetic disorder. It is characterized by accelerated body growth and somewhat delayed motor and language development in childhood. In adulthood, the typical symptoms are hardly noticeable. What is Sotos syndrome? Sotos syndrome represents a sporadically occurring rare malformation syndrome. In this condition, accelerated growth with disproportionate skull circumference (macrocephalus) and … Sotos Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Three-day Fever: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Among the rather harmless viral infections is the children’s disease three-day fever. Mostly infants between six months and three years infect other children with this disease. Typical signs are high fever, skin rash and possibly febrile convulsions. An examination by a pediatrician is advisable. What is three-day fever? Three-day fever (exanthema subitum, roseola infantum, or … Three-day Fever: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The development of the child

Synonyms in a broader sense Milestones in development Somatic, motor, sensory, mental and spiritual development The development of the child includes on the one hand the maturation of body and mind of the child in a certain period of time and on the other hand the expansion of abilities which are already present through genetic … The development of the child

Febrile convulsion

Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: occasional cramp, occasional seizure Definition The febrile seizure is an occasional seizure (cerebral seizure) that lasts only a few minutes and originates in the brain (cerebral seizure). It usually occurs in small children and is triggered by the elevated temperature of the fever. It occurs in connection with febrile … Febrile convulsion